My 17-year-old son wants a chin implant to enhance what he sees as a weak profile.

Question: My 17-year-old son wants a chin implant to enhance what he sees as a weak profile. Is he too young to have this procedure? Answer: Most young rhinoplasty candidates are mature enough by age 16. The chin and nose…

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Will my face be bandaged?

Question: After chin implant surgery, will my face be bandaged? If so, for how long? Answer: Mentoplasty, or augmentation of the skin generally does not require a bandage after surgery. There may be sutures to mind in the crease below…

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I am a 32-year-old man interested in having a chin implant.

Question: I am a 32-year-old man interested in having a chin implant. Do you have any way of showing me how I could look with different shapes and sizes of implants? Answer: Many surgeons utilize computer imaging to demonstrate potential…

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