Would implants be a good way to improve my flat cheeks?

Question: I’ve always had very flat cheeks and have envied those with nice high cheekbones. Would implants be a good way to improve my flat cheeks? Are there any other options like fillers? Answer: The use of cheek implants has…

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What is the best filler for treating marionette lines?

  Question: What is the best filler for treating marionette lines? Answer: That depends on the thickness and quality of your skin. Hyaluronic acid fillers are the most common, but hydroxylapetite has also been successful.

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Is there any one filler that’s considered the best for treating facial lines?

  Question: Is there any one filler that’s considered the best for treating facial lines? Answer: There is no one filler that is perfect for every facial indication. Fillers are manufactured for different purposes, and vary in thickness, material, and…

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Is there anything pertinent that my doctor must know before beginning Botox injections?

Question: I know that I should divulge any and all medical issues that I may have to my physician before beginning treatment, but is there anything pertinent that my doctor must know before beginning Botox injections? Answer: You should always…

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It seems that just about anyone can administer Botox injections but you always hear horror stories.

Question: It seems that just about anyone can administer Botox injections but you always hear horror stories. What sort of qualifications should the person have? Should they be a doctor? What should I be looking for in someone to perform…

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